Sunday, February 15, 2009

TV and newspapers vs. Internet News

News on the internet has changed the way we view news today. TV news and newspapers each have their strengths and weaknesses, but internet has combined their strengths to make news easier to access for viewers. Internet news is like a newspaper; it has organized articles about various topics such as sports, economics, and other general news. On the internet, more news about foreign events can be accessed, and more topics can be read such as: health, technology, entertainment, and others. The internet has allowed more news to be posted. If newspapers wanted to distribute more news, they would have to use more paper and ink, which would increase costs. The internet has unending space to place more articles. Internet can also include video clips to tell the stories. The main reason TV news is so effective is because of the accompaniment of visual images to tell the stories. Internet news include clips so that viewers can read the news and if they want more, they could also watch a clip that expands on that story. The combination of reading the news and watching reporters tell the story while at the scene, give internet news an advantage over TV and newspapers. This news is available 24/7 unlike TV news or newspapers. Tv news is only displayed a few times a day, and newspapers are printed and delivered once a day.
Why are newspapers and TV news still used then? Well, there are some things that internet news doesn't have. Most local news is not available on most internet news sites. Most local events are only covered by TV and newspaper reporters. Also, not everyone has internet. Some people rely on the newspaper for their news for the day. Others find their TV news to be more interesting. Both TV and newspapers reach out to different audiences where internet can't reach. Newspapers have comics and puzzles that require a physical page. Papers are also more portable and don't require electricity.
While internet news contains more stories and combines features of TV and nwspapers, it has not fully taken their place.


  1. I am definitely an avid reader of internet news. I like it because of the many benefits it offers, including:
    1. It's available always.
    2. It has the search option, so I don't have to read an entire newspaper looking for one story.
    3. Video clips
    Moreover, since I'm constantly on the internet for school, it's easy for me to have access to that medium the most. I don't think the internet will ever take the place of T.V. news because of the simple fact that some people like to hear; some like to read. Although, I see newspapers becoming increasingly obsolete probably in our lifetimes.

  2. I love the news and when I don’t get a chance to catch the news I feel out of the loop and somewhat lost. Thankfully I always have my blackberry at hand and can push a button and am immediately connected with entire world and what is going on. This is a major part of my life. I like the newspaper and still read it sometimes, but I find myself turning to the internet 9 times out of 10 for my news needs. Overall I feel that the internet is the best way to catch up on news because it’s faster and in this area of the world usually more accurate and current then our local news channels.

  3. I like watching the news on television because it is quick and easy and isn’t as time consuming as the internet. With the television, they have short clips and I don’t have to spend time on reading something. I’m not a fan of reading things so a television is very helpful I do like the internet and newspaper, but I would choose to watch the news on television first. The internet is nice because I can find out anything, anywhere around the world. The newspaper is nice for mostly local news which is nice and the comics are a plus! Do you think that the newspaper will have an end soon?
