Saturday, April 25, 2009

E-mail vs. mail

One mode of communication that isn't talked about too much anymore is mail. This medium can take a day or a few days to reach the desired person you wish to communicate with. E-mail though can send a message in seconds. So why do we still have the mail system? Well, more than just letters are sent through the mail. Without mail, businesses like E-Bay could not function. Packages are sent all over the world through the mail. One limitation of e-mail is that it is not able to send anything more than written information. Packages and such cannot be sent electronically. Companies like UPS deliver packages and can also track the package so that you can know when you will receive it.
Written letters are not sent as often anymore. I know I have not sent a letter to someone for quite some time now. There are many similarities between mail and e-mail. They accomplish the same goals in their own ways. One business that relies on both mail and e-mail is the card making business. There are cards that have a written message and there are also cards that can hold a sound message. Such cards are able to record a voice message and repeat it for the recipient. There are also e-cards that are similar. Each are fun ways to communicate with others.
The mail still plays an important role today, but e-mail is much faster in sending a quick message. Mail can't match the speed of e-mail, and e-mail can't completely replace the mail.


  1. I dont know about you...but I LOVE getting mail. I would much rather get a letter in the mail then receive an e mail. This is a medium that I dont think gets enough credit!!
    Dont get me wrong...e mail does have its advantages like you mention. Its quicker and much easier. But I do think that the mail deserves to be used more!

  2. Well said KYLE... i totally agree to the point that mails are very important, not only for people who find mail letters to be very personal,touchy, and romantic but also to companies like EBAY and UPS. Emails also have its own advantages.. Its fast and convinient. Its not a lot of hassle and can be used easily...Not only that, you can attacch a lot of other documents and every things reaches as soon as u click a send....So its pretty sweet..

  3. Kyle, this was a very interesting topic to chose. I would not have thought of it, for simply the reason you stated, it’s not very popular anymore. Things are done so much faster by e-mail and is just far more convenient. Although as Nikki said, i also LOVE getting mail, for example with my VCSU Box # this year, it was so exciting getting mail that someone had sent just for me! It was to the point where I wasn’t getting mail and my roommate’s mom sent me a package to make me happy! Haha!

  4. I would have never considered this topic. You hit the nail on the head. There would be very few businesses that could operate without good ole reliable "snail mail." I both like and dislike it. Most of the time, I get junk mail; someone wanting to offer me a credit card. However, when I order something or I am expecting it in the mail it’s just kind of fun anticipating it. E-mail is great, because it allows for instant communication; however, I tend to get a lot of junk mail in my inbox as well…I guess there is no escaping it.
