Do you ever get annoyed by pop-up ads and other advertisements on the internet? Why are there more ads on some sites than others? On certain sites, more ads are displayed because they receive more traffic. On CNN's website, the right side of the screen has a few ads, but on Facebook, the almost the whole right side is all ads. It seems like these ads only bug people instead of help to sell something. Well, these ads do more than just fill space on the screen, they are the majority of the income for the site.
Advertising is a large part of a website, TV program, radio broadcast or nearly any other form of media. Companies spend millions of dollars so that people will see their company name and product. The majority of spending is on TV ads. Five times more money is spent on TV ads than internet ads. Why? TV ads are much bigger and noticeable. A TV ad takes up the full screen, not just a part of it. TV ads are also unavoidable unless you turn the TV off every time an ad comes on. An internet ad can be ignored because it is only a small part of the webpage. Internet ads also need to be clicked on for more information. The viewer controls what ads they view. This is why more money is spent on TV ads. TV ads are costly, but the price per viewer is low. Internet ads are relatively inexpensive ("$0.60 pay-per-click or $1,200 - $1,800 a month for aggressive campaigns (does not include search engine optimization) or $200 to $1,200 per year per banner ad on websites" (www.iesmallbusiness.com/resources/Major_Media_Types.doc). Advertising is essential for a website or other programs to function, whether we like to see them or not. Without ads, we would not get to enjoy some of the media we use.
Do I ever get annoyed with commercials and ads I see on TV? YES!! Something that is even more annoying is advertisements that are popping up all over the Internet. I understand that advertising is a large part of the Internet, but I wish we wouldn’t have to have ads everywhere we go and on everything we see. Society is constantly bombarded with ads telling us to do something or look someway; it would be nice to be able to go somewhere and not have to deal with any of it!
ReplyDeleteI always wondered how websites made their money. I recently learned it's from advertisements. Yes I get very annoyed by pop-up ads. I don't get annoyed with embedded ads because they're just out of the way, but when one pops up, it really annoys me! One main reason the ads are so annoying is because they're so stupid. I hardly see ads for stuff I actually use. They're usually all about the latest diet pill or an IQ test or a test to see what kind of drink I am. Well, maybe it's just the websites I visit, but I seem to find much more legitimate and probably useful ads on TV.
ReplyDeleteI do get annoyed by the ads on the internet, but I understand why sites have them. They are one of their biggest income. When commecials come on television I can just get up and get a snack or turn it on mute, but when pop-ups show up on websites you have to look at it at least to make sure you are not closing out of a page that you need.
ReplyDeleteI don't really get annoyed unless they pop up on my screen with me clicking on anything. Like on facebook they are all on the side, so I kind of just block them out mentally without even having to think about it. I also understand that if they didn't have those ads we probably would not have facebook, so overall I think it is fine that they have them on there just as long as they don't pop up without a click!