Saturday, March 14, 2009

blogs vs. other news

Blogs have not been around very long. The first blogs began appearing in 1997, but didn't become widely used by the general public until 2000. Blogging has changed the way many view news. Anyone can create their own blogs and share whatever information they see fit to share. This had a direct effect on other internet news. There are some big differences in the accuracy of what is written.
While blogs share the news based on the people's opinion, other news organizations share information that is researched. Blogs contain information, but they also include a lot of opinions and the blogger's own views on the subject. Bloggers also can write whatever comes to their mind. The information they post could be completely wrong. They don't have to run their ideas past an editor or have someone decide what is important to write. The information posted is exactly what the writer wants to say. Others may criticize what they write, but that does not force them to change.
A news organizations, on the other hand, must research the news topic widely and pass the story through many editors before it makes it onto the website. Organizations are held more accountable for what they write because many people trust their sites. If too many mistakes are made, then their business suffers. Employees for a news site are paid for the work they do, so if they don't do well, they can be fired. A blogger writes for their own reasons. They aren't paid, and if the information they post is inaccurate, they might receive negative comments. No one can fire them because the blogs are written on the blogger's own time.
Blogs have been seen as a source of information, but they cannot be trusted for accurate information. News emlpoyees write for a living, posting information they know is true, and can be trusted over bloggers.

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